Tuesday, September 10, 2013

1.  There is still today an appetite for news.  I always believed that because the newspaper is dying it's a sign that nobody cares about the news. I was very mistaken.  During our in class reading I learned that we are besieged by information. All the information in today's society is gathered and collected through more innovative means such as cell phones, computers, etc. 

2.  The next most important thing I learned is that the career of journalism will always be needed.  As old models die that journalist have followed for centuries, better and new models will come forth.  

3.  I learned from the readings and my professor that we are becoming a "phone toting" generation.  This means that if journalist want to be successful they must post video and information on their cell phones to the web.

4.  Journalist must always have an open mind and be adaptable to change in the technology world. 

5.  The final thing I learned from today's readings is that quality journalism will end.  Now that everyone can post there will be far more information and spelling errors.  

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