Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Which semester is better?

By Kelsey Snowden

As your standing in line buying your semester textbooks one thought  may  cross your mind.  Summer just was not long enough.

Each semester brings new adventures.  Some students find one semester to be harder than others.  Sophomore Collin Wheeler enjoys winter semester better.

“Usually by winter semester it’s almost summer time and towards finals week it begins to warm up again,” Wheeler said. 

For others some find fall semester to be their better semester. Collin’s wife, Kaitlin Wheeler, a recent graduate of BYU-Idaho enjoyed fall semester in Rexburg, Idaho.

“I loved the fall time because of all the leave changes.” Wheeler said.  “I loved also all the fun activities that took place in the fall upon arriving to school from the summer.”

When asking students what semester they liked better they list pro’s and con’s of each semester.
The pro’s of fall semester for students at BYU is homecoming week, football, Thanksgiving, Christmas breaks, the fall colors and beautiful weather. Some con’s mentioned were harder classes, more studying; snow returning and transitioning from summer to school. 

Students liked winter because of the fun winter events that take place in Provo, celebrating holidays with friends and the sight of summer coming is nearer.  Students didn’t like winter mainly for the cold, snow and slippery places around campus. 

Kaitlin who recently moved to Provo to be with her husband enjoys living by BYU.  Because she is married to a BYU student she is able to be a part of the fun fall activities BYU has to offer to its students. 

“I enjoy being able to watch the BYU Football game and to see Y mountain lit up at night during homecoming week,” Wheeler said. “Though I’m not a student here I can see that students love the fall semester because they are returning to school, meeting friends and living in such a fun and safe environment.” 

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