Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Discussion on Mobile News

What can news organizations do to keep up with mobile demand and prevent massive problems that happened when people started going online to read news stories rather than looking at papers? Also come up with a plan on how your newspaper can do a better job making your content available to mobile devices.

1.  The first thing that came to my mind about keeping up with mobile demand is to hire people who specialize in phone apps.  Find ways to make the app accessible to people and user friendly.  Also, make sure that the app is free to download or inexpensive.

2.  The second thing I would do as a news organization is to advertise their app via the Internet and printed newspapers.  That way people know about it.  

3.  Once the app is published make sure that someone is constantly adding news stories.   From what I have seen news organizations that publish on a regular basis are read more than papers that don't.

4.  News organizations need to put a heavy emphasis on phone apps rather than desktops.  News organizations that ignore this will have the same fate as news papers that refused to go online right away.

5.  To help make content available to mobile devices I would create an app that is compatible with Apple, Android and Windows phones.  That way no one is limited on what they can receive based on what type of phone they have.

6.  I would also make buttons on phone apps easier to read and click on.  So many times I have been lead to the wrong thing by clicking on the wrong button because I couldn't see it.

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