Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Holiday Threatened by Shopping

It's Thanksgiving time which means being with loved ones enjoying a bountiful feast.  It's a day of relaxing and enjoying time to reminiscence with family and friends.  The fun is quickly cut short when a cell phone rings dreadfully reminding you that you have to be in at work right away.  

Employees across the country may face the fate of having to go into work on Thanksgiving, especially employees working in retail or in restaurants.  

According to an article on USA Today it expects shoppers to spend 3.9% more this year. The article also mentions how some stores like K-Mart plan to open at 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving day.   

"Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, has traditionally represented the start of the holiday shopping period. Over the past few years, a kind of arms race has developed among retailers, and stores have opened their doors earlier and earlier each Friday," (USA Today). 

Gene Harris a Maintenance Supervisor at King Henry Apartments in Provo dislikes the idea of stores forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving.

"Black Friday is always crazy where people are grabbing items left and right,"  Harris said. "One year I went to Home Depot and wanted to get out of there right away because I couldn't stand how people were acting. Thanksgiving is a time to be with friends and family and not out in the Black Friday crowds."  

King Henry Office Assistant, Melissa Hill who has been working at the apartment complex for one in a half years has been forced in the past to work on Thanksgiving."

"This year and last year I was able to stay home and I'm looking forward to spending time with my family," Hill said.  

This year King Henry wanted to give it's employees time by closing early on Wednesday and closed on Thanksgiving.  

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